Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chelsea's life in prison

Chelsea is settling into her new home; she is no longer restricted to her cell but is contained to the small administrative unit at FMC Carswell in Texas. This is the only place for high- or maximum-security federal women and houses just 17 inmates. They have a small, caged yard, so Chelsea's been able to go outside for the first time since she left Eugene.
The Department of Homeland Security has imposed special monitoring of all her communications. Her phone use is restricted because it has to be scheduled in advance. She has been denied a confidential call with her attorney. Her mail has to be screened and approved in Washington D.C. As far as we know, there are no new restrictions on what she is allowed to receive, but we donÕt know if all her mail is actually going through. If you have sent her correspondence and havenÕt received a response, please let us know.
Thank you to everyone who has sent Chelsea books in the last couple months. We have updated her amazon.com wish list, but please do not send any books now. She is only allowed to have 10 at a time. Before sending books, always check the lower righthand sidebar of the website, to see if she is over or under her limit.
On a final note, we asked that you take a minute today to pray for Briana Waters who is currently facing trial in Seattle in a related case.
Please note: Chelsea turns 31 on April 6! She would love to receive birthday messages!

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